What is the point of having a team filled with brilliant individuals if we never access their creative brilliance?
Have you ever suffered, felt sad, let down and fearful that you did not know how to do something? Perhaps you were trying to solve the problem yourself, instead of asking for help.
This week we release the fourth leadership chronicle and a story of failure shared by Gosia Gorna from the 2nd conversation of #globalleadershiphypothesis – what makes a great leader.
Food for thought:
Do you regularly brainstorm with your team to unlock creative brilliance
Do you regularly assess whether you are actually solving the right problem or addressing the right challenge
Do you regularly include a “wildcard” in your brainstorming meetings – someone who thinks differently at a cognitive level
Have you ever used the six thinking hats from Debono Group to assign different responsibilities to elicit higher thinking patterns i.e. red = emotion, green = creativity, black = challenge/caution
What else do you do to unlock the creative brilliance in the team?
Take your leadership to the next level
Follow the link to the right to see the rest of the blog post
Interested in Leadership and what makes a great leader? Visit The Global Leadership Hypothesis for a range of interviews with Chairman of Boards, finance professionals, influencers, thought leaders, leadership consultants and many more
Access the trailer interview, full interview or transcripts to accelerate your leadership – learn from others https://bit.ly/GLHYPO
© Talita Ferreira, CEO and founder of Authentic Change Solutions