Virtual leadership in a crisis – support for leaders #3

Posted on 17/04/20 at 06:39 PM

“Focus on leading and managing your team through the crisis”

It would be so easy to get stuck in the doing mode and focus all the critical things that need to be done at the moment, e.g. the cash flow forecast or scenario modelling.

It is just as critical to focus on #leading the team and the #teamculture. Just a few things to think about:

  • Fostering #psychologicalsafety in the team by sharing our own vulnerabilities as a leader
  • Spending a moment in the shoes of the team collectively and for each individual
  • Uncovering the underlying #fears that might exist regarding working from home or the #virtualdelivery

Use this process to spend time on critical team activities that bond and connect the team:

  • Set an intention to spend time on #teamengagement
  • Focus by setting aside the time?
  • Prioritise the #teamactivities
  • Follow up with actions??

Just a few ideas on engagement activities

  • Lunch or coffee interactions discussing non-work related topics
  • Discussions on #changinghabits
  • Teams value exercise and #behaviours to support thriving virtually
  • Creating a virtual team charter

Watch the videoblog that goes with this post here:

What are you doing to lead virtually and improve team dynamics?

© Talita Ferreira

© Authenticity Change Solutions

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